Sort Utils Algorithm

Bubble sort, sometimes referred to as sinking sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent components and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. More efficient algorithms such as timsort, or merge sort are used by the sorting library build into popular programming languages such as Python and Java.
package Sorts;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * The class contains util methods
 * @author Podshivalov Nikita (
final class SortUtils {

     * Helper method for swapping places in array
     * @param array The array which elements we want to swap
     * @param idx   index of the first element
     * @param idy   index of the second element
    static <T> boolean swap(T[] array, int idx, int idy) {
        T swap = array[idx];
        array[idx] = array[idy];
        array[idy] = swap;
        return true;

     * This method checks if first element is less then the other element
     * @param v first element
     * @param w second element
     * @return true if the first element is less then the second element
    static <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean less(T v, T w) {
        return v.compareTo(w) < 0;

     * Just print list
     * @param toPrint - a list which should be printed
    static void print(List<?> toPrint) {
                .map(str -> str + " ")


     * Prints an array
     * @param toPrint - the array  which should be printed
    static void print(Object[] toPrint) {

     * Swaps all position from {@param left} to @{@param right} for {@param array}
     * @param array is an array
     * @param left  is a left flip border of the array
     * @param right is a right flip border of the array
    static <T extends Comparable<T>> void flip(T[] array, int left, int right) {
        while (left <= right) {
            swap(array, left++, right--);