Stack Array List Algorithm

The Stack Array List Algorithm is a data structure that allows for the efficient storage and retrieval of elements in a linear, last-in-first-out (LIFO) order. It combines the properties of a stack and an array list, utilizing the dynamic resizing capability of an array list to ensure that the stack can grow or shrink as needed, while maintaining the simplicity and elegance of a stack's LIFO access pattern. This algorithm is particularly useful in situations where elements need to be added and removed quickly, such as in the implementation of certain recursive algorithms, parsing expressions, or managing the execution of nested function calls. In a Stack Array List, elements are stored in an underlying array, with the top of the stack represented by the last element in the array. When a new element is added (pushed) onto the stack, it is placed at the end of the array, and the stack's size is incremented. Conversely, when an element is removed (popped) from the stack, the last element in the array is removed and the stack's size is decremented. The array is dynamically resized as needed to accommodate the changing size of the stack, ensuring that the algorithm is both space and time efficient. In addition, the Stack Array List Algorithm supports common stack operations such as push, pop, peek, and checking if the stack is empty, each of which typically has a constant-time complexity, making it a highly efficient and versatile data structure for a variety of applications.
package DataStructures.Stacks;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * This class implements a Stack using an ArrayList.
 * <p>
 * A stack is exactly what it sounds like. An element gets added to the top of
 * the stack and only the element on the top may be removed.
 * <p>
 * This is an ArrayList Implementation of a stack, where size is not
 * a problem we can extend the stack as much as we want.
 * @author Unknown
public class StackArrayList {

     * Main method
     * @param args Command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        StackArrayList myStackArrayList = new StackArrayList();

        System.out.println("*********************Stack List Implementation*********************");
        System.out.println(myStackArrayList.isEmpty()); // will print false
        System.out.println(myStackArrayList.peek()); // will print 9
        System.out.println(myStackArrayList.pop()); // will print 9
        System.out.println(myStackArrayList.peek()); // will print 2
        System.out.println(myStackArrayList.pop()); // will print 2

     * ArrayList representation of the stack
    private ArrayList<Integer> stackList;

     * Constructor
    public StackArrayList() {
        stackList = new ArrayList<>();

     * Adds value to the end of list which
     * is the top for stack
     * @param value value to be added
    public void push(int value) {

     * Pops last element of list which is indeed
     * the top for Stack
     * @return Element popped
    public int pop() {

        if (!isEmpty()) { // checks for an empty Stack
            int popValue = stackList.get(stackList.size() - 1);
            stackList.remove(stackList.size() - 1);  // removes the poped element from the list
            return popValue;

        System.out.print("The stack is already empty!");
        return -1;

     * Checks for empty Stack
     * @return true if stack is empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return stackList.isEmpty();

     * Top element of stack
     * @return top element of stack
    public int peek() {
        return stackList.get(stackList.size() - 1);