Anyto Any Algorithm

The Any-to-Any Algorithm is a powerful and versatile method designed to enable efficient and accurate conversion between different data representations or formats. In essence, it serves as a universal translator for data, allowing seamless communication and interoperability among various systems, applications, and programming languages. This algorithm is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple conversions are required, such as data exchange between several heterogeneous systems, or when dealing with legacy systems that use non-standard or outdated data formats. The key advantage of the Any-to-Any Algorithm is its flexibility, as it can be easily adapted to support new data formats as they emerge and evolve, ensuring continued compatibility and reducing the need for costly and time-consuming manual conversions. The Any-to-Any Algorithm works by breaking down the conversion process into two main steps: first, it translates the source data format into an intermediary, canonical format, which represents a common ground or "neutral territory" for all supported formats; and second, it converts this canonical representation into the target data format. This approach simplifies the overall process, as it eliminates the need for direct, pairwise conversion routines between each pair of formats, which would grow exponentially with the number of supported formats. Instead, only two routines are needed for each format: one to convert from the format to the canonical representation, and one to convert from the canonical representation to the format. As a result, the Any-to-Any Algorithm scales linearly with the number of formats, which makes it more manageable, maintainable, and extensible.
package Conversions;

import java.util.Scanner;
//given a source number , source base, destination base, this code can give you the destination number.
//sn ,sb,db ---> ()dn  .   this is what we have to do    .

public class AnytoAny {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
        int sn = scn.nextInt();
        int sb = scn.nextInt();
        int db = scn.nextInt();
        int m = 1, dec = 0, dn = 0;
        while (sn != 0) {
            dec = dec + (sn % 10) * m;
            m *= sb;
            sn /= 10;
        m = 1;
        while (dec != 0) {
            dn = dn + (dec % db) * m;
            m *= 10;
            dec /= db;
